a day in life of a tiger cub

Overtly protected

Tigress may also eat the cubs' feces in order to protect them from potential predators detecting their scents.


Tiger cubs are born blind and are completely dependent on their mother.

trick of the trade 

Tiger cubs begin to hunt with their mother and siblings between eight and ten months of age


They watch as their mother stalks and takes down prey. As they get older she will get the prey to the ground then allow the cubs to step in for the kill.

find their own territory

Young tigers become independent from their mothers around seventeen to twenty-four months of age

7 is the magic number

Tigers can have litters of as many as 7 cubs. Unfortunately, only 2 cubs from a litter will survive into adulthood.


Tiger cubs are born with milky blue eyes. As they develop their eyes will slowly change to their signature gold color.

Dominating cub

Every litter has one cub that is dominant and leads the others in play and is favored by the mother. This cub is not always the largest male.

female cubs survival rate is higher

Female cubs have higher survival rate as compared to males who are more adventurous and likely to roam further than females.