
Interesting Facts About Tigers | Tiger Facts

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tigers are one of the most beautiful animals. Global Tiger Day, also known as International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration to raise awareness for tiger conservation. It is held on July 29th every year. The goal of the day is to promote a global system for protecting the natural habitats of tigers and to raise public awareness and support for tiger conservation issues.

On this day, we present you some of the interesting facts about tigers:

Unlike lions, tigers are solitary animals. It’s fairly rare to see them group together in the wild, the exception to this is a tigress with her cubs. A group of tigers is called a streak.

Interesting Facts About TigersTigers are quite territorial. They engage in fatal fights to defend their territory.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tiger cubs are born blind and remain so until 6-14 days

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tigers squint or close their eyes to show happiness. This is because losing vision lowers defense, so tigers (and many other cats) only purposefully do so when they feel comfortable and safe.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

They can jump more than 30 feet in a single leap & are strong swimmers.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tiger stripes are like human finger prints. Each of them are unique, no two tigers have the same pattern of stripes.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tigers mark their territory by urinating (scent spraying), scratching the bark of the trees and roaring.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

You can know the approximate age of tigers through the colour of their nose. While young its pink in colour and keeps darkening to blackish-brown as they grow older.

Compare the nose of the cub (left) to that of an adult male tiger (right)

Interesting Facts About Tigers

A Tiger will retract it’s claws when it walks which is why you will never find claw marks on the tiger’s tracks.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

The white spots at the back of the tiger’s ears are called ocelli. There are many theories about their function which remains largely unknown.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Tigers usually hunt their larger prey by ambush. They ambush the animal by leaping out and seizing its neck in their teeth. If a major artery is severed, the animal dies in seconds. Otherwise, the tiger hangs on as the prey thrashes and it quickly dies of strangulation.

Interesting Facts About Tigers

Photo Courtesy:

Ashish Tirkey| Harpreet Dhillon | Naresh Singh  | Lalit Rajora | Kola Venkateswarlu (Winner : Photo contest Season 4)