Butterfly in Bandhavgarh

A flutter here, a flutter there and beautiful colours everywhere!
We are happy to share that our budding butterfly garden at Kings Lodge – an initiative undertaken by the team has become a delight for the team and guests alike.
The garden has recorded over 30 species of butterflies during this season alone.
Butterflies are bio indicators of a healthy environment and ecosystem – they are highly sensitive to changes in climate, pollution levels and harmful chemicals in the air. They are also an important part of the food chain – butterflies are food for birds, bats and other insectivorous animals and parasites. They are also excellent pollinators after bees, wasps and flies – without these wonderful insects, we would have a lot fewer plants.
Sharing some of the photographs from the garden.

Common Jezebel

- Contrary to the popular perception, the wings of the butterflies are transparent, the colours we see are the effect of the light reflecting on the tiny scales covering them.
- Butterflies protect themselves from predators using techniques such as camouflage, mimicry, disruptive coloration or transparency.
- They have taste sensors on their feet which help them to identify their host plants.
Photo Courtesy : Naresh Singh